Tachyon News
Credit certificates broke over the weekend.
Hello Tachyonites,
Over the weekend something got broke and credit certificates quit working. We apologize for any inconvenience. We found out about it 3 hours ago and have been working with engineering to resolve this issue. Like always, our team has worked in the background to help smooth over the bumps of normal life.
We have had engineering convert all certificates to store credits, until the issue is fixed.
Engineering will continue to work on the issue in an effort to fix t
Nov 2nd 2015
New online Practitioner Course - FREE
A FREE 3-PART TACHYON ONLINE PRACTITIONER COURSE.For the past 25 years, using the Tachyon Holistic Wellness Workshops as a vessel, we have successfully educated an estimated 15,000 Health Care Professionals in over 30 Countries. Today, everything is shifting. And we are each called upon to assist in the transformation and enlightenment of this wonderful planet. I have been led to release the Professional Tachyonized tool set as well as this training globally. My intention is to expand consciou
Oct 16th 2015
Thanks for Your Guidance and Support This Past Year!
Thank You,
Thank you for all the guidance and support you've given us this past year.
It is you that we work for! Clearly a difficult task since many want features that only apply to them. However, when a request comes from several channels, and it is a clear benefit to everyone, we embrace the request and explore the possibilities of making it happen.
Here's a list of some of our Tachyon families' requests and accomplishments this past year:
1. Added SKU to the product views.
Oct 1st 2015
Slovak, Czech, German, Greek, Spanish and Mas
Pekny den prajem pani Anka,predpokladam, ze ste sa bez problemov prihlasila na svoj ucet na novej Tachyon stranke. Pokial neviete kde a ako sa prihlasit, tak Vam pre istotu preposielam kratke video ako na to:http://screencast.com/t/s4rfD2E6oBAko ste si asi vsimla, tak stranka sa da prelozit pomocou Google prekladaca. Tu som Vam pripravila kratke video ako dalej pokracovat, ked sa prihlasite na svoju stranku.Na Vas ucet som Vam pridala Vasu adresu, takze tu uz zadavat nemusite iba ju potvrdite ak
Aug 31st 2015
Tachyon Launch
Thank you everyone for being so kind and supportive. We launched the site yesterday, and decided to send out a T-zine today. We knew our trust friends would find all the issues.We are grateful for all the support and comments. Most questions revolved around products that are en-route to Holland. Large sunspots, Hair tonic, SS-65, Mini V ETC.This is the first time we have ever shown MSRP in our European system. Most customers always based the prices on our discounted
Aug 26th 2015