

Cataracts - Challenges

Here you will find information on specific Tachyon Energy Healing Tools and Materials that protect, preserve, elevate, restore, and revive your health and well-being. These products are acclaimed by health care professionals and our customers to have the highest rates of significant benefits

1. Review:  Each product within the category has a different affect.  
2. Realize:  Some products may fit your specific situation, and some may not. Be selective.  
3. Expand:  Watch the free Life Without Limits - Online Tachyon Course.
4. Consider: Looking into the value of the Practitioner Tools in your situation.

  • Tachyonized Silica Gel - #1 Best Seller

    Tachyonized Silica Gel - #1 Best Seller

    Your Price $69.31
    A 5G-Power Pick™    Unleash the Power of Tachyonized™ Silica Gel for 5G Health Discover the incredible potential of Tachyonized™ Silica Gel, a remarkable solution derived from quartz crystals that has become an indispensable...
    Your Price $69.31
  • Tachyonized Tach-O-Splash - All Time Best Seller Tachyonized Tach-O-Splash - All Time Best Seller

    Tachyonized Tach-O-Splash - All Time Best Seller

    Your Price $18.27
    Tachyonized Water charges the Subtle Organizing Energy Fields (SOEFs explained) of every cell in your body. It bypasses the blood-brain barrier and transforms your whole being into a super conductor, energizing disrupted SOEFs and allowing blockages to...
    Life Enhancing Tachyon Water
    Life Enhancing Tachyon Water
    Your Price $18.27
  • Tachyon Energy Eye Pillow is a powerful brain balancing product - reducing stress, pain and tension.

    Tachyon Eye Pillow - Powerful and Versatile

    Your Price $77.31
    The Tachyonized Eye Pillow is a powerful Tachyon antenna, balancing a variety of issues, reducing stress, pain and tension. This Tachyonized Eye Pillow, with matching pillowcase, is made of blended cotton and filled with tiny Tachyonized beads. Because...
    Your Price $77.31
  • Tachyonized Blue-Green Algae - Superfood Powder Tachyonized Blue-Green Algae - Superfood Powder

    Tachyonized Blue-Green Algae - Superfood Powder

    Your Price $45.89
    A 5G-Power Pick™    Tachyonized Blue Green Algae is Certified Organic, GMO-free, non-irradiated, pesticide-free, and Certified Kosher! Tachyonized Blue-Green Algae is one of the most nutrient-dense...
    BG Powder
    BG Powder
    Your Price $45.89
  • Tachyonized Brain Balancer Tachyonized Brain Balancer

    Tachyonized Brain Balancer

    Your Price $95.57
      Tachyon Brain Balancer/Sleep Mask This is in response to all the requests for a 100% cotton, Blackout, Tachyonized Sleep Mask with 360 degree coverage. The Tachyonized Brain Balancer is unique in it's 360 degree coverage...
    Your Price $95.57
  • Tachyonized Green Matrix - Peak Performance Tachyonized Green Matrix - Peak Performance

    Tachyonized Green Matrix - Peak Performance

    Your Price $68.81
    A 5G-Power Pick™    Tachyonized Green Matrix considered, along with all its other uses, an essential part of preventative 5G health practices. Green Matrix is Certified Organic, GMO-free, non-irradiated, pesticide-free, and Certified...
    GM Unique Blend
    GM Unique Blend
    Your Price $68.81
  • OS-H2 30ml OS-2 Anti Trauma

    OS-H2 30ml

    Your Price $52.43
    Tachyonized Anti-Trauma Remedy ACTIONS: The herbs in this compound help to restore balance to the physical system after accidents, such as falls, hard blows, strains or sprains. Definitely indicated before and after surgery. Supports healthy vascular and...
    Your Price $52.43
  • Tachyonized Blue-Green Algae -  Superfood Capsules Tachyonized Blue-Green Algae -  Superfood Capsules

    Tachyonized Blue-Green Algae - Superfood Capsules

    Your Price $88.27
    A 5G-Power Pick™    Tachyonized Blue Green Algae is Certified Organic, GMO-free, non-irradiated, pesticide-free, and Certified Kosher! Tachyonized Blue-Green Algae is one of the most nutrient-dense foods on...
    BG Capsules
    BG Capsules
    Your Price $88.27