Herbal Ear Drops

Herbal Ear Drops

This compound acts as a restorative tonic to the blood vessels in the ear while inhibiting or destroying bacteria and fungus present in the ear canal. Also controls inflammation, edema, and itching. Softens accumulated earwax and has a pain-relieving effect.


Suggested for ear infections, swimmer’s ear, and the congestion and inflammation associated with earaches. Useful for cleansing the ear and may be beneficial in some cases of tinnitus and vertigo.


OS-16 comes in 1 oz. (30ml). As you only use a few drops per day, this bottle will last quite some time.


Do not contaminate dropper or bottle by touching it to the ear, hands, hair or other sources of contamination. Do not place cold drops in the ear. Rub the bottle between the hands for 2-3 minutes to warm the oil.
Cleansing: 1 drop in each ear one or two times per day. If irrigation of the ears is necessary to aid in the removal of earwax the procedure should be done by a physician or someone qualified to do it properly.
Acute inflammation and infections: 1 to 2 drops in the ear, two to three times per day.
Chronic conditions: 1 or 2 drops in the ear, one or two times per day, 5 days per week, three weeks per month.


Promptly seek qualified healthcare if redness, pain, or swelling of the ear is severe or persists as some ear infections can turn into serious medical conditions. Consult qualified medical care before using these drops if there is perforation of the eardrum.
Do not use if you are allergic to any ingredients. Always consult a physician before use.

  • OS-H16 30ml

    OS-H16 30ml

    Your Price: $52.43
    Tachyonized Herbal Ear Drops ACTIONS: This compound acts as a restorative tonic to the blood vessels in the ear while inhibiting or destroying bacteria and fungus present in the ear canal. Also controls inflammation, edema, and itching. Softens...
    Your Price: $52.43