Panic Attacks

Panic Attacks

Panic Attacks - Challenges

Here you will find information on specific Tachyon Energy Healing Tools and Materials that protect, preserve, elevate, restore, and revive your health and well-being. These products are acclaimed by health care professionals and our customers to have the highest rates of significant benefits

1. Review:  Each product within the category has a different affect.  
2. Realize:  Some products may fit your specific situation, and some may not. Be selective.  
3. Expand:  Watch the free Life Without Limits - Online Tachyon Course.
4. Consider: Looking into the value of the Practitioner Tools in your situation.

  •  5G Mini-V Tachyon Pendant Protect yourself from harmful EMFs while also harmonize and balance your chakra energy system with Tachyon Products - Tachyon Mini-V crystal pendant.

    5G Mini-V Tachyon Pendant

    Your Price $159.72
    A 5G-Power Pick™    Dr. Gabriel Cousens, World Acknowledged Expert "I feel that the new Tachyon Mini-V is the most powerful and the most cost effective device against EMFs that is available today." “After testing almost every...
    Mini-V 5G Protection Pendant
    Mini-V 5G Protection Pendant
    Your Price $159.72
  • OS-H26 30ml OS-H26 30ml

    OS-H26 30ml

    Your Price $52.43
    Tachyonized Restorative Nerve Preparation ACTIONS: Serving as a restorative to damaged and irritated nerves the herbs in this compound have a mild sedative action that soothes nervous agitation and excitability. POTENTIAL...
    Your Price $52.43
  • Tachyonized DHA - Brain Food Tachyonized DHA - Brain Food

    Tachyonized DHA - Brain Food

    Your Price $103.21
    A 5G-Power Pick™    Tachyonized DHA is an organic, algae derived organ-specific to the nervous system. It energizes the brain’s Subtle Organizing Energy Fields (SOEFs explained) helping them move towards optimal balance. Brain...
    Your Price $103.21
  • 5G Tachyon Pendant - Freedom pendant is a powerful tool as part of our journey to thrive in the world of 5G. Freedom 5G Pendant - Tachyon Ultra

    Freedom 5G Pendant - Tachyon Ultra

    Your Price $258.96
    Personal: 5G-Power Pick™ In our technology-driven world, we're constantly surrounded by devices that emit electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and 5G mm wave. The Freedom 5G Pendant Tachyon Ultra stands as your beacon of safety, offering unparalleled...
    FP-5GU 5G Protection Pendant
    FP-5GU 5G Protection Pendant
    Your Price $258.96
  • 5G Tachyon Pendant - Effective 5G personal protection device 5G Ultra Vintage Tachyon Pendant

    5G Ultra Vintage Tachyon Pendant

    Your Price $94.36
    A 5G-Power Pick™    The Vintage Pendant is Ultra Disk Strong, Ultra Protection! Functions at a different level when compared to the Mini-V pendant.  The Vintage Pendant, with its encased ULTRA micro-disk, expands and charges...
    JP-VINT 5G Protection Pendant
    JP-VINT 5G Protection Pendant
    Your Price $94.36
  • Tachyonized Green Matrix - Peak Performance Tachyonized Green Matrix - Peak Performance

    Tachyonized Green Matrix - Peak Performance

    Your Price $68.81
    A 5G-Power Pick™    Tachyonized Green Matrix considered, along with all its other uses, an essential part of preventative 5G health practices. Green Matrix is Certified Organic, GMO-free, non-irradiated, pesticide-free, and Certified...
    GM Unique Blend
    GM Unique Blend
    Your Price $68.81
  • OS-H2 30ml OS-2 Anti Trauma

    OS-H2 30ml

    Your Price $52.43
    Tachyonized Anti-Trauma Remedy ACTIONS: The herbs in this compound help to restore balance to the physical system after accidents, such as falls, hard blows, strains or sprains. Definitely indicated before and after surgery. Supports healthy vascular...
    Your Price $52.43
  • Tachyonized C.B.D. ISO - 30ml Tachyonized C.B.D. ISO - 30ml

    Tachyonized C.B.D. ISO - 30ml

    Your Price $109.63
    A 5G-Power Pick™    Tachyonized C.B.D. ISO contains 1400mg C.B.D. Isolate per 1oz bottle and is T.H.C.-Free. Brain activation and balance are crucial to thriving in a 5G world, making this a perfect fit for...
    Your Price $109.63
  • OS-H43 30ml OS-H43 30ml

    OS-H43 30ml

    Your Price $80.44
    A 5G-Power Pick™    Brain activation and balance are crucial to thriving in a 5G world, making this a perfect fit in a 5G power pick tool kit. TACHYONIZED MELATONIN:  The decrease in melatonin is associated with an...
    Your Price $80.44
  • 5G Tachyon Pendant - Immune System Enhancer, EMF, 5G and Cell Phone Radiation Personal Protector 5G Orb Protection Pendant

    5G Orb Protection Pendant

    Your Price $68.95
    A 5G-Power Pick™    An effective, compact, stylish, Immune System Enhancer, EMF, 5G and Cell Phone Radiation Personal Protector. The Tachyon 5G Orb Pendant is full of tiny Tachyonized beads bouncing energy off each other and...
    JP-ORB 5G Protection Pendant
    JP-ORB 5G Protection Pendant
    Your Price $68.95
  • Tachyon ULTRA Liberty Belt - Alleviate Painful Back Tachyon ULTRA Liberty Belt - Alleviate Painful Back

    Tachyon ULTRA Liberty Belt - Alleviate Painful Back

    Your Price $265.41
    A 5G-Power Pick™    The ULTRA Liberty Belt employs a large (22cm by 10cm) Tachyonized ULTRA Disk (ULTRA products explained here) creating one of the most effective tools ever developed for personal wellness.It increases the...
    Your Price $265.41
  • ULTRA Cocoon - Balancing Body, Mind, and Spirit ULTRA Cocoon - Balancing Body, Mind, and Spirit

    ULTRA Cocoon - Balancing Body, Mind, and Spirit

    Your Price $975.71
    This is considered to be one of the most valuable Tachyon tools ever developed! The ULTRA Cocoon is fast becoming one of the most popular products because of its profound effect on the whole being. ACTION: The Ultra Cocoon surrounds you in a...
    Your Price $975.71
  • This Tachyonized meditation wrap nurtures, enhances, and deepens meditation. A perfect Tachyon product for light workers, meditators, body workers, and professionals. Tachyon 100% Silk Meditation Wrap - Choose Color

    Tachyon 100% Silk Meditation Wrap - Choose Color

    Your Price $423.48
    Pure Tachyon Pleasure Let the mundane fade away as you surround yourself in silken ecstasy the Tachyon way. Only a continuous angelic hug could feel better than this nurturing, rejuvenating Tachyonized 100% Silk Meditation Wrap.This Tachyonized...
    Your Price $423.48
  • Tachyonized Phase-III  30 ml. Tachyonized Phase-III  30 ml.

    Tachyonized Phase-III 30 ml.

    Your Price $183.32
    A 5G-Power Pick™    Brain activation and balance are crucial to thriving in a 5G world, making this a perfect fit in a 5G power pick tool kit. Tachyonized Phase-III contains 2800mg C.B.D. Isolate per 1oz bottle and...
    Your Price $183.32
  • Tachyon ULTRA Liberty Belt X - Extra Strength Tachyon ULTRA Liberty Belt X - Extra Strength

    Tachyon ULTRA Liberty Belt X - Extra Strength

    Your Price $410.19
    A 5G-Power Pick™    Along with all the other uses, Tachyonized ULTRA Liberty Belt X is now also considered an important part of preventative 5G health practices.   The ULTRA Liberty Belt X is a huge upgrade. It's...
    Your Price $410.19