Red Blood Cells

Red Blood Cells

Red Blood Cells - Challenges

Here you will find information on specific Tachyon Energy Healing Tools and Materials that protect, preserve, elevate, restore, and revive your health and well-being. These products are acclaimed by health care professionals and our customers to have the highest rates of significant benefits

1. Review:  Each product within the category has a different affect.  
2. Realize:  Some products may fit your specific situation, and some may not. Be selective.  
3. Expand:  Watch the free Life Without Limits - Online Tachyon Course.
4. Consider: Looking into the value of the Practitioner Tools in your situation.

  • Tachyonized Tach-O-Splash - All Time Best Seller Tachyonized Tach-O-Splash - All Time Best Seller

    Tachyonized Tach-O-Splash - All Time Best Seller

    Your Price $18.27
    Tachyonized Water charges the Subtle Organizing Energy Fields (SOEFs explained) of every cell in your body. It bypasses the blood-brain barrier and transforms your whole being into a super conductor, energizing disrupted SOEFs and allowing blockages to...
    Life Enhancing Tachyon Water
    Life Enhancing Tachyon Water
    Your Price $18.27
  • Tachyonized Blue-Green Algae - Superfood Powder Tachyonized Blue-Green Algae - Superfood Powder

    Tachyonized Blue-Green Algae - Superfood Powder

    Your Price $45.89
    A 5G-Power Pick™    Tachyonized Blue Green Algae is Certified Organic, GMO-free, non-irradiated, pesticide-free, and Certified Kosher! Tachyonized Blue-Green Algae is one of the most nutrient-dense...
    BG Powder
    BG Powder
    Your Price $45.89
  • Tachyonized Green Matrix - Peak Performance Tachyonized Green Matrix - Peak Performance

    Tachyonized Green Matrix - Peak Performance

    Your Price $68.81
    A 5G-Power Pick™    Tachyonized Green Matrix considered, along with all its other uses, an essential part of preventative 5G health practices. Green Matrix is Certified Organic, GMO-free, non-irradiated, pesticide-free, and Certified...
    GM Unique Blend
    GM Unique Blend
    Your Price $68.81