Plant Steroids

Plant Steroids

Plant Steroids - Challenges

Here you will find information on specific Tachyon Energy Healing Tools and Materials that protect, preserve, elevate, restore, and revive your health and well-being. These products are acclaimed by health care professionals and our customers to have the highest rates of significant benefits

1. Review:  Each product within the category has a different affect.  
2. Realize:  Some products may fit your specific situation, and some may not. Be selective.  
3. Expand:  Watch the free Life Without Limits - Online Tachyon Course.
4. Consider: Looking into the value of the Practitioner Tools in your situation.

  • Tachyonized Panther Juice, a Tachyon energy product, delivers Tachyon directly to the source to relieve muscle, joint and arthritis pain, swelling and strains. Tachyon Micro-S Panther Juice Roll-On Bottle
Use for muscle and joint pain, arthritis, swelling, strains, sprains, varicose veins, tendonitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, and cramps.

    Panther Juice - Pain Relief Formula

    4Your Price $32.88
    MORE SIZES AVAILABLE - Panther Juice infused with Tachyon Micro-S  Warming Topical Pain Relief Formula  Tachyon Micro-S Panther Juice is a unique blend of Tachyonized ingredients infused with Tachyon Micro-S. This unique...
    Panther Juice - Warming Effect
    Panther Juice - Warming Effect
    4Your Price $32.88
  • OS-H18 30ml OS-H18 30ml

    OS-H18 30ml

    4Your Price $52.43
    Tachyonized Herbal Tonic for Athletes ACTIONS: There are no health-threatening side effects to this compound that contains natural phytosterols (plant steroids). While the metabolic effects may not be as dynamic or fast acting as synthetic steroids...
    4Your Price $52.43