Tachyon Ambassador

I would like to welcome Michael Brown into his training as a Tachyon Ambassador. Michael says that Tachyon products saved his life. He was an eight-time Motocross champion and a stunt man. He performed high acrobatic jumps at special events. Unfortunately one of these jumps failed. Michael’s injuries were considered terminal. His left leg was severed, he broke his ribs and wrists, damaged his spinal column, and crushed a knee. While in a coma, family members used all the Tachyon products they had on him. The doctor’s prognosis was that due to the brain damage, he most likely would be a vegetable. Michael credits his recovery to the Tachyon tools. They were not only a major part in saving his life, but also gave him his new one.

Michael has always loved Tachyon and in fact used to be in the old Tachyon catalogs as an avid user.

After his full recovery his enthusiasm was solidified and although he is in a wheelchair, his lust and motivational way of sharing what he believes, is inspirational.

If you need an inspirational speaker sharing Tachyon at an event or for your group, please contact us, because Michael could be your man.  

Here is a link to Michael’s accident on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYOkO-O-co8. It is considered one of the worst motorcycle accidents ever filmed.

Dec 2nd 2016 michael

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