Tachyonized™ Hair Tonic will help you grow new hair or thicken existing hair. Big words? Well that Is what I have witnessed!
I, David Wagner have spent 8 years working with our Beta testers, looking for something I can stand behind. I have sent out a dozen or so formulas, but never have I seen these results. This latest formula's ingredients showed promise, until it was Tachyonized™.
Then, WOW! Now, it is far better than any hair tonic we have ever produced. It really works.
It penetrates into the follicles and nourishes the hair from the root. This makes it possible to stop certain forms of hair loss within 6 to 8 weeks. Many cases of patients using Tachyon Hair Tonic while undergoing chemotherapy have been able to keep their hair. Stop thinning. Grow new hair.
A friend and Tachyon practitioner trainer for whom time has begun to leave its mark of sparse hair on his noble head, exposing the regions of highest points on his head almost completely, demonstrates the effectiveness of the hair tonic to his course participants. He bends his head down in front of each of them and invites them to run their hands over the thick, delicate down that has formed on exactly these points during the months of using the Tachyonized™ Hair Tonic on a regular basis. Incidentally, he swears by all that's holy that only scientific curiosity and not vanity, as people have gossiped, sponsored this personal experiment.
The effectiveness of the Tachyonized™ Hair Tonic is not limited to cases where the ravages of time have already begun to show. Treatments on a regular basis every few weeks also maintain healthy hair and counteract the manifestations of age such as graying and the loss of fullness and elasticity. The Tachyonized™ molecules are integrated into the hair and concentrated in it, transforming it into a gentle antenna for tachyon. This continuously supplies the SOEFs of the head with organizing energy.
Sprayed on before meditation and rubbed in lightly, the tonic activates the uppermost energy center. This facilitates the natural connection of this center to its higher levels. It creates a clear head, makes it easier to concentrate or contemplate.
Further suggestions for applications are on long train, plane, and car trips; computer work; tension headaches; balancing dry or oily hair; and pampering your loved ones with an extraordinary scalp massage.
Please remember: Hair loss can also indicate disturbances in your metabolism that may be more severe than the aging process. In many cases, disturbed intestines with inadequate digestive efficiency play an important role. Taking mineral preparations alone can hardly provide significant help here. In such cases, ask for assistance from qualified physicians or healing practitioners.
Organic Herbal Oil Infusions of Nettles, Horsetail, Peppermint Leaf, Rosemary, Burdock Root & Comfrey Leaf, Organic Sesame & Avocado Oil, Organic and Wildcrafted Essential Oils of Rosemary, Vetiver, Sweet Orange and Peppermint, and Organic Rosemary Antioxidant.
This new rich herbal Hair Tonic heals, nourishes, and promotes the growth of full-bodied, beautiful hair, and repairs damaged tissue. It is also effective for those with naturally thin or brittle hair.
2 oz. bottle (60ml)
With recommended usage the 2oz. bottle will last approx. 60 days.
Gently massage into scalp and leave overnight. Shampoo in the morning.
Do not use if you are allergic to any ingredients.
Testimonial pictures from Hair Tonic user after 1 year
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