The New Tachyon Website - A labor of Love

The New Tachyon Website - A labor of Love

What a labor of love this has been.

We had a series of events occur which guided me to a more robust, educational, and faster system.

In Australia and Sweden, for example, our home page was loading between 7-9 seconds.  People could not access the gift of Tachyon.  We constantly received reports of slow loading site, Paypal load issues.   All this was unacceptable. Anyone new we watched drop off due to load time of the site.  And this was one of our fastest sites.

My conclusion was to build a system that could be hosted in data centers around the world.  

I have done this. To accomplish my goal of a faster experience, we are changing the way we do live chat and our affiliate program, using only global center technology.  Today my formerly 9.23 second loading EMF product page loaded in 3.6 seconds from Sweden.  In New York, 1.98 seconds. Amsterdam was 2.46 seconds.  

Mission accomplished!  Once it is launched I will be once again freed up to work in the development of new products and new workshops.

I hope you like it.


Jul 14th 2015 David Wagner

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