Baby Sleep Pad

Baby Sleep Pad

All Energetically a Baby Needs

Sleeping on the Tachyonized Sleep Pad helps your child’s body to balance and regenerate in a smooth and gentle way while protecting him or her from environmental disturbances.

This powerful Tachyon antenna bathes your child in energy, balancing and strengthening all the SOEFs (SOEFs explained) on all levels of your body-mind-spirit system. 

  • Baby Sleep Pad - Nurturing and Balancing as they Sleep

    Baby Sleep Pad - Nurturing and Balancing as they Sleep

    4Your Price $442.53
    A 5G-Power Pick™    This powerful Tachyon antenna bathes your child in energy, balancing and strengthening the Subtle Organizing Energy Fields (SOEFs explained) on all levels of the body-mind-spirit system. Because babies have newly...
    4Your Price $442.53