Tachyonization - A Research-Proven Technology
Many of these articles and research synopsis are reprinted with permission from the UISCA Press. UISCA Press is a department of the University of Integrated Science California.
The University’s objective is to provide resources for investigation and research into all areas of human and planetary transformational science. Enjoy the white papers linked below.
Research Articles
Gabriel Cousens EMT Research on Cell Phones
Tachyon and possibilities with Herbs, Vitamins and Minerals
Are Computers Making Us Sick (The Fruit Fly Study)?
Tachyon and Electronic Muscle Testing
Tachyonized Water vs. Evian Water
Charging Substances Using Tachyonized Materials
EMF and Mice Experiment with Tachyon and CRT
Tachyon Enhances the SOEFs of Living Organisms
Measuring Biological Effects of Tachyonized Materials
Kirlian Study of Fruits in Tachyon Field
Tachyonized Sand Increases SOEFs and Stimulates Growth
Tachyon and Kirlian Photos of Hands
Tachyonized Materials and Plants
EEG Brain Research with Tachyonized Materials
Effects of Tachyonized Water on DNA
Tachyonized Water and Dark-Field Study of Live Blood